Thursday, April 22, 2010

Not So Sure I'd Want That World

Weird New World

The next novel that I have moved onto since 1984, is a Brave New World. It was authored by Aldous Huxley in 1932

What a Book

After finishing up reading 1984, I think that I may have just found one of my new favorite novels. This book had so many points in it that were brought to light from real life events. The USSR and Nazi Germany tied in so closely with the main theme of the novel that its not even funny. The place that Winston and others called home in this novel was one of the dreariest places that I could ever fathom. I know that I would off myself before I ever had to live there, you know, with all the Big Brother shit going on and all. Who in their right mind would ever want live there. The place sucked from the very beginning and if anything, it only got worse as the novel went on. It was by far unsanitary to say the least. I'm a clean person, and besides camping, I do not like to live in a dirty or rundown shithole environment. This place fitted that description to a T. If anybody would actually opt to go and live there, then they are out of their damn minds. I know that it sounds like I don't like anything about the novel, but its actually on the contrary; I love reading about places like this, and the lives that people have to live while trying to survive in these conditions. It's just that I would not want, well that I would never live in such a place.